ࡱ> ` Y~bjbj 7Kv .0.0.08f0$0VHr1r1r1r1r1M2M2M2GGGGGGG$@IhKVG7M2M277Gr1r1HfBfBfB7$r1r1GfB7GfBfB:F,EGr1f1 j;.08F G4&H0VHFRK<KEGKEG\M2V3fB4[5oM2M2M2GGx>M2M2M2VH7777*.0.0 COMPREHENSIVE STANDARD FLOWDOWNS (For use with Section I of applicable CORPDOCs or BASTC version) Last revised September of 2005 A. INCORPORATION OF FAR CLAUSES The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) clauses referenced below are incorporated herein by reference, with the same force and effect as if they were given in full text, and are applicable, including any notes following the clause citation, to this Contract. If the date or substance of any of the clauses listed below is different from the date or substance of the clause actually incorporated in the Prime Contract referenced by number herein, the date or substance of the clause incorporated by said Prime Contract shall apply instead. The Contracts Disputes Act shall have no application to this Contract. Any reference to a Disputes clause shall mean the Disputes clause of this Contract. B. GOVERNMENT SUBCONTRACT This Contract is entered into by the parties in support of a U.S. Government contract. As used in the FAR clauses referenced below and otherwise in this Contract: 1. Commercial Item means a commercial item as defined in FAR 2.101. 2. Contract means this contract. 3. Contracting Officer shall mean the U.S. Government Contracting Officer for LOCKHEED MARTINs government prime contract under which this Contract is entered. 4. Contractor and Offeror means the SELLER, as defined in this CORPDOC 2 SER, acting as the immediate (first tier) subcontractor to LOCKHEED MARTIN. 5. Prime Contract means the contract between LOCKHEED MARTIN and the U.S. Government or between LOCKHEED MARTIN and its higher-tier contractor who has a contract with the U.S. Government. 6. Subcontract means any contract placed by the Contractor or lower-tier subcontractors under this Contract. C. NOTES 1. Substitute "LOCKHEED MARTIN" for "Government" or United States throughout this clause. 2. Substitute "LOCKHEED MARTIN Procurement Representative" for "Contracting Officer, Administrative Contracting Officer, and ACO throughout this clause. 3. Insert and LOCKHEED MARTIN after Government throughout this clause. 4. Insert or LOCKHEED MARTIN after Government throughout this clause. Communication/notification required under this clause from/to the Contractor to/from the Contracting Officer shall be through LOCKHEED MARTIN. Insert and LOCKHEED MARTIN after Contracting Officer, throughout the clause. Insert or LOCKHEED MARTIN Procurement Representative after Contracting Officer, throughout the clause. D. AMENDMENTS REQUIRED BY PRIME CONTRACT Contractor agrees that upon the request of LOCKHEED MARTIN it will negotiate in good faith with LOCKHEED MARTIN relative to amendments to this Contract to incorporate additional provisions herein or to change provisions hereof, as LOCKHEED MARTIN may reasonably deem necessary in order to comply with the provisions of the applicable Prime Contract or with the provisions of amendments to such Prime Contract. If any such amendment to this Contract causes an increase or decrease in the cost of, or the time required for, performance of any part of the work under this Contract, an equitable adjustment shall be made pursuant to the Changes clause of this Contract. E. PRESERVATION OF THE GOVERNMENTS RIGHTS If LOCKHEED MARTIN furnishes designs, drawings, special tooling, equipment, engineering data or other technical or proprietary information (Furnished Items) which the U. S. Government owns or has the right to authorize the use of, nothing herein shall be construed to mean that LOCKHEED MARTIN, acting on its own behalf, may modify or limit any rights the Government may have to authorize the Contractors use of such Furnished Items in support of other U. S. Government prime contracts. 1. The following FAR clauses apply to this Contract: 52.215-20 REQUIREMENTS FOR COST OR PRICING DATA OR INFORMATION OTHER THAN COST OR PRICING DATA (OCT 1997) (Note 2 applies.) 52.215-21 REQUIREMENTS FOR COST OR PRICING DATA OR INFORMATION OTHER THAN COST OR PRICING DATA - MODIFICATIONS (OCT 1997) (Note 2 applies.) 52.219-8 UTILIZATION OF SMALL BUSINESS CONCERNS (MAY 2004) 52.222-21 PROHIBITION OF SEGREGATED FACILITIES (FEB 1999) 52.222-26 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY (APR 2002) (Only paragraphs (b)(1)-(11) applies.) 52.225-13 RESTRICTIONS ON CERTAIN FOREIGN PURCHASES (DEC 2003) 52.227-14 RIGHTS IN DATA - GENERAL (JUN 1987) 52.234-1 INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES DEVELOPED UNDER DEFENSE PRODUCTION ACT TITLE III (DEC 1994) (Notes 1 and 2 apply.) 52.242-13 BANKRUPTCY (JUL 1995) (Notes 1 and 2 apply.) 52.242-15 STOP-WORK ORDER (AUG 1989) (Notes 1 and 2 apply.) 52.243-1 CHANGES - FIXED PRICE (AUG 1987), ALTI (APR 1984) and ALT II (APR 1984) (Notes 1 and 2 apply.) 52.244-6 SUBCONTRACTS FOR COMMERCIAL ITEMS (JUL 2004) 52.246-2 INSPECTION OF SUPPLIES - FIXED PRICE (AUG 1996) (Note 2 applies. Note 3 applies, except in paragraph (b) the second time Government appears; (f), (h), (j), and (l) where Note 1 applies.) 52.246-4 INSPECTION OF SERVICES - FIXED PRICE (AUG 1996) (Note 3 applies, except in paragraphs (e) and (f) where Note 1 applies.) 52.247-64 PREFERENCE FOR PRIVATELY OWNED U.S.FLAG- COMMERCIAL VESSELS (APR 2003) 52.249-2 TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE OF THE GOVERNMENT (FIXED-PRICE) (MAY 2004) (Notes 1 and 2 apply. Note 4 applies to the first time Government appears in paragraphs (b)(4) and (b)(6), it applies to all of paragraph (b)(8) and it applies to the second time Government appears in paragraph (d). In paragraph (n) Government means LOCKHEED MARTIN and the Government. In paragraph (c), 120 days is changed to 60 days. In paragraph (d) 15 days is changed to 30 days, and 45 days is changed to 60 days. In paragraph (e), 1 year is changed to 6 months. Paragraph (j) is deleted. In paragraph (l), 90 days is changed to 45 days. Settlements and payments under this clause may be subject to the approval of the Contracting Officer.) 52.249-8 DEFAULT (FIXED-PRICE SUPPLY AND SERVICE) (APR 1984) (Notes 1 and 2 apply, except Note 1 is not applicable to paragraph (c). Note 4 applies to the second and third times Government appears in paragraph (d). Timely performance is a material element of this Contract.) 2. The following FAR clauses apply to this Contract if the value of this Contract equals or exceeds $10,000: 52.222-36 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION FOR WORKERS WITH DISABILITIES (JUN 1998) The following FAR clauses apply to this Contract if the value of this Contract equals or exceeds $25,000: 52.222-35 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR SPECIAL DISABLED VETERANS, VETERANS OF THE VIETNAM ERA, AND OTHER ELIGIBLE VETERANS (DEC 2001) 52.222-37 EMPLOYMENT REPORTS ON SPECIAL DISABLED VETERANS, VETERANS OF THE VIETNAM ERA, AND OTHER ELIGIBLE VETERANS (DEC 2001) 4. The following FAR clauses apply to this Contract if the value of this Contract equals or exceeds $100,000: 52.203-6 RESTRICTIONS ON SUBCONTRACTOR SALES TO THE GOVERNMENT (JUL 1995) 52.203-12 LIMITATION ON PAYMENTS TO INFLUENCE CERTAIN FEDERAL TRANSACTIONS (JUN 2003) 52.215-2 AUDIT AND RECORDS NEGOTIATION (JUN 1999) (Applicable if: (1) Contractor is required to furnish cost or pricing data, or (2) the Contract requires Contractor to furnish cost, funding, or performance reports. Note 3 applies.) 52.215-14 INTEGRITY OF UNIT PRICES (OCT 1997) (Delete paragraph (b) of the clause.) 52.222-4 CONTRACT WORK HOURS AND SAFETY STANDARDS ACT - OVERTIME COMPENSATION (SEP 2000) 52.223-14 TOXIC CHEMICAL RELEASE REPORTING (AUG 2003) (Note 2 applies. Delete paragraph (e).) 52.227-2 NOTICE AND ASSISTANCE REGARDING PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT (AUG 1996) (Notes 2 and 4 apply.) 52.248-1 VALUE ENGINEERING (FEB 2000) ( Note 1 applies, except in paragraphs (c)(5) and (m), where Note 3 applies and except in (b)(3) where Note 4 applies, and where Government precedes cost throughout. Note 2 applies.) 5. The following FAR clauses apply to this Contract if the value of this Contract equals or exceeds $500,000: 52.219-9 SMALL BUSINESS SUBCONTRACTING PLAN (JAN 2002) (Applicable if the contractor is not a small business. Note 2 is applicable to subparagraph (c) only. The contractor's subcontracting plan is ncorporated herein by reference.) 6. The following FAR clauses apply to this Contract if the value of this Contract equals or exceeds $550,000: 52.215-12 SUBCONTRACTOR COST OR PRICING DATA (OCT 1997) (Applicable if not otherwise exempt under FAR 15.403.) 52.215-13 SUBCONTRACTOR COST OR PRICING DATA - MODIFICATIONS (OCT 1997) (Applicable for modifications if not otherwise exempt under FAR 15.403.) 7. The following FAR clauses apply to this Contract as indicated: 52.204-2 SECURITY REQUIREMENTS (AUG 1996) (Applicable if the Work requires access to classified information.) 52.211-5 MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS (AUG 2000) (Note 2 applies. Applicable if the Work requires delivery of material.) 52.215-10 PRICE REDUCTION FOR DEFECTIVE COST OR PRICING DATA (OCT 1997) (Applicable if submission of cost or pricing data is required. Notes 2 and 4 apply except the first time Contracting Officer appears in paragraph (c)(1). Rights and obligations under this clause shall survive completion of the Work and final payment under this Contract.) 52.215-11 PRICE REDUCTION FOR DEFECTIVE COST OR PRICING DATA - MODIFICATIONS (OCT 1997) (Applicable if submission of cost or pricing data is required for modifications. Notes 2 and 4 apply except the first time Contracting Officer appears in paragraph (d)(1). Rights and obligations under this clause shall survive completion of the Work and final payment under this Contract.) 52.215-15 PENSION ADJUSTMENTS AND ASSET REVERSIONS (OCT 2004) (Applicable if this Contract meets the applicability requirements of FAR 15.408(g). Note 5 applies.) 52.215-16 FACILITIES CAPITAL COST OF MONEY (JUN 2003) (Applicable only if this Contract is subject to the Cost Principles at FAR Subpart 31.2 and the Contractor proposed facilities capital cost of money in its offer.) 52.215-17 WAIVER OF FACILITIES CAPITAL COST OF MONEY (OCT 1997) (Applicable only if this Contract is subject to the Cost Principles at FAR Subpart 31.2 and the Contractor did not propose facilities capital cost of money in its offer.) 52.215-18 REVERSION OR ADJUSTMENT OF PLANS FOR POST-RETIREMENT BENEFITS (PRB) OTHER THAN PENSIONS (OCT 1997) (Applicable if this Contract meets the applicability requirements of FAR 15.408(j). Note 5 applies.) 52.215-19 NOTIFICATION OF OWNERSHIP CHANGES (OCT 1997) (Applicable if this Contract meets the applicability requirements of FAR 15.408(k). Note 5 applies.) 52.222-41 SERVICE CONTRACT ACT OF 1965, AS AMENDED (MAY 1989) (Applicable if this Contact is subject to the Service Contract Act. The clause does not apply if this Contract has been administratively exempted by the Secretary of Labor or exempted by 41 U.S.C. 356, as interpreted in Subpart C of 29 CFR Part 4.) 52.223-3 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION AND MATERIAL SAFETY DATA (JAN 1997) (Applicable if this Contract involves hazardous material. Notes 2 and 3 apply, except for paragraph (f)where Note 4 applies.) 52.223-7 NOTICE OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS (JAN 1997) (Applicable to Work containing covered radioactive material. In the blank insert 30. Notes 1 and 2 apply.) 52.223-11 OZONE-DEPLETING SUBSTANCES (MAY 2001) (Applicable if the Work was manufactured with or contains ozone-depleting substances.) 52.225-1 Buy American ActSupplies (JUN 2003) (Applicable if the Work contains other than domestic components. Note 2 applies to the first time Contracting Officer is mentioned in paragraph (c).) 52.225-5 TRADE AGREEMENTS (OCT 2004) (Applicable if the Work contains other than U.S. made, designated country, Caribbean or NAFTA country end products. ) 52.227-1 AUTHORIZATION AND CONSENT (JUL 1995) (Applicable only if the Prime Contract contains this clause.) 52.227-9 REFUND OF ROYALTIES (APR 1984) (Applicable when reported royalty exceeds $250. Note 1 applies except for the first two times Government appears in paragraph (d). Note 2 applies.) 52.227-10 FILING OF PATENT APPLICATIONS-CLASSIFIED SUBJECT MATTER (APR 1984) (Applicable if the Work or any patent application may cover classified subject matter.) 52.227-11 PATENT RIGHTS-RETENTION BY THE CONTRACTOR (SHORT FORM) (JUN 1997) (Applicable if this Contract includes, at any tier, experimental, developmental, or research Work and Contractor is a small business concern or domestic nonprofit organization. Reports required by this clause shall be filed with the agency identified in this Contract. If no agency is identified, contact the Lockheed Martin Procurement Representative identified on the face of this Contract.) 52.227-12 PATENT RIGHTS-RETENTION BY THE CONTRACTOR (LONG FORM) (JAN 1997) (Applicable if this Contract includes, at any tier, experimental, developmental, or research Work and Contractor is a large business concern. Reports required by this clause shall be filed with the agency identified in this Contract. If no agency is identified, contact the Lockheed Martin Procurement Representative identified on the face of this Contract.) 52.228-5 INSURANCE WORK ON A GOVERNMENT INSTALLATION (JAN 1997) (Applicable if this Contract involves Work on a Government installation. Note 2 applies. Note 4 applies to paragraph (b). Unless otherwise specified by this contract, the minimum kinds and amount of insurance shall be as described in FAR 28.307-2.) 52.230-2 COST ACCOUNTING STANDARDS (APR 1998) (When referenced in this Contract, full CAS coverage applies. United States means United States or Lockheed Martin. Delete paragraph (b) of the clause.) 52.230-3 DISCLOSURE AND CONSISTENCY OF COST ACCOUNTING PRACTICES (APR 1998) (When referenced in this Contract, modified CAS coverage applies. United States means United States or Lockheed Martin. Delete paragraph (b) of the clause.) 52.230-6 ADMINISTRATION OF COST ACCOUNTING STANDARDS (NOV 1999) (Applicable if FAR 52.230-2 or FAR 52.230-3 applies.) 52.233-3 PROTEST AFTER AWARD (AUG 1996) (In the event LOCKHEED MARTINs customer has directed LOCKHEED MARTIN to stop performance of the Work under the Prime Contract under which this Contract is issued pursuant to FAR 33.1, LOCKHEED MARTIN may, by written order to Contractor, direct Contractor to stop performance of the Work called for by this Contract. 30 days means 20 days in paragraph (b)(2). Note 1 applies, except the first time Government appears in paragraph (f). In paragraph (f) add after 33.104(h)(1), the following: and recovers those costs from LOCKHEED MARTIN.) 52.237-2 PROTECTION OF GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS, EQUIPMENT AND VEGETATION (APR 1984) (Applicable if Work is performed on a Government installation. Note 2 applies. Note 4 applies to the second time Government appears in the clause.) 52.243-6 CHANGE ORDER ACCOUNTING (APR 1984) (Applicable if the Prime Contract requires Change Order Accounting. Note 2 applies.) 52.245-2 GOVERNMENT PROPERTY (FIXED-PRICE CONTRACTS) (MAY 2004) (Applicable if Government property is furnished in the performance of this Contract. Except for paragraphs (i) and (j), Note 1 applies except in the phrases "Government property," "Government-furnished property," and in references to title to property. Note 2 applies. The following is added as paragraph (m) "Seller shall provide to Lockheed Martin immediate notice of any disapproval, withdrawal of approval, or nonacceptance by the Government of property control system." Disposition of property under paragraphs (i) and (j) shall be coordinated with Lockheed Martin.) 52.245-17 SPECIAL TOOLING (MAY 2004) (Applicable if this Contract involves the use of Special Tooling. Note 2 applies, except paragraph (b). Note 1 applies in paragraph (d)(1) and (d)(3) and (m) where Government appears the last time and in paragraph (f)(1); in paragraph (j) change 180 days to 240 days and 90 days to 150 days; in (j)(ii) remove prime before Contractor in the last sentence.) 52.245-18 SPECIAL TEST EQUIPMENT (FEB 1993) (Applicable if this Contract involves the acquisition or fabrication of Special Test Equipment. Note 2 applies to paragraphs (b) and (d). Note 5 applies. In paragraph (b) and (c), change 30 days to 60 days.) 52.247-63 PREFERENCE FOR U.S. FLAG AIR CARRIERS (JUN 2003) (Applicable if this Contract involves international air transportation.) DoD FAR SUPPLEMENT (DFARS) FLOWDOWN CLAUSES REFERENCE TITLE 1. The following DFARS clauses apply to this Contract : 252.225-7014 PREFERENCE FOR DOMESTIC SPECIALTY METALS (APR 2003) and ALT I (APR 2003) (Applicable if the Work to be furnished contains specialty metals.) 252.227-7013 RIGHTS IN TECHNICAL DATA - NON-COMMERCIAL ITEMS (NOV 1995) (Applicable in lieu of FAR 52.227-14.) 252.227-7014 RIGHTS IN NON-COMMERCIAL COMPUTER SOFTWARE AND NON-COMMERCIAL COMPUTER SOFTWARE DOCUMENTATION (JUN 1995) (Applicable in lieu of FAR 52.227-14.) 252.227-7016 RIGHTS IN BID OR PROPOSAL INFORMATION (JUN 1995) 252.227-7019 VALIDATION OF ASSERTED RESTRICTIONS - COMPUTER SOFTWARE (JUN 1995) 252.227-7025 LIMITATIONS ON THE USE OR DISCLOSURE OF GOVERNMENT-FURNISHED INFORMATION MARKED WITH RESTRICTIVE LEGENDS (JUN 1995) (For paragraph (c)(1), note 3 applies.) 252.227-7026 DEFERRED DELIVERY OF TECHNICAL DATA OR COMPUTER SOFTWARE (APR 1988) (Note 1 applies.) 252.227-7027 DEFERRED ORDERING OF TECHNICAL DATA OR COMPUTER SOFTWARE (APR 1988) (Note 1 applies.) 252.227-7028 TECHNICAL DATA OR COMPUTER SOFTWARE PREVIOUSLY DELIVERED TO THE GOVERNMENT (JUN 1995) (The definitions for contract and subcontract shall not apply herein, except for the first reference to contract. Note 4 applies.) 252.227-7030 TECHNICAL DATA - WITHHOLDING OF PAYMENT (MAR 2000) (Notes 1 and 2 apply to (a); Note 4 applies to (b).) 252.227-7037 VALIDATION OF RESTRICTIVE MARKINGS ON TECHNICAL DATA (SEP 1999) 252.228-7005 ACCIDENT REPORTING AND INVESTIGATION INVOLVING AIRCRAFT, MISSILES, AND SPACE LAUNCH VEHICLES (DEC 1991) (In paragraph (a) note 5 applies. In paragraph (b) note 3 applies.) 252.231-7000 SUPPLEMENTAL COST PRINCIPLES (DEC 1991) 252.243-7001 PRICING OF CONTRACT MODIFICATIONS (DEC 1991) 252.247-7024 NOTIFICATION OF TRANSPORTATION OF SUPPLIES BY SEA (MAR 2000) (Applicable if this Contract meets the criteria set forth in paragraph (b) (2) (ii) of the clause. Notes 1 and 2 apply.) 2. The following DFARS clauses apply to this Contract if the value of this Contract equals or exceeds $100,000: 252.203-7001 PROHIBITION ON PERSONS CONVICTED OF FRAUD OR OTHER DEFENSE CONTRACT-RELATED FELONIES (MAR 1999) (In this clause, the terms contract, contractor, and subcontract shall not change in meaning in paragraphs (a) thru (d). Delete paragraph (g). Note5 applies.) 252.247-7023 TRANSPORTATION OF SUPPLIES BY SEA (MAY 2002) (Applicable in lieu of FAR 52.247-64 in all Contracts for ocean transportation of supplies. In the first sentence of paragraph (g), insert a period after Contractor and delete the balance of the sentence. Paragraph (f) and (g) shall not apply if this Contract is at or below $100,000. Notes 1 and 2 apply to paragraph (g).) 3. The following DFARS clauses apply to this Contract if the value of this Contract equals or exceeds $500,000: 252.225-7004 REPORTING OF CONTRACT PERFORMANCE OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES (APR 2003) (Delete paragraph (c).) 252.249-7002 NOTIFICATION OF ANTICIPATED CONTRACT TERMINATION OR REDUCTION (DEC 1996) (Note 2 applies. Delete paragraph (d) (1) and the first five words of paragraph (d) (2).) 4. The following DFARS clauses apply to this Contract if the value of this Contract equals or exceeds $1,000,000: 252.211-7000 ACQUISITION STREAMLINING (DEC 1991) (Note 1 applies.) 5. The following DFARS clauses apply to this Contract as indicated: 252.215-7000 PRICING ADJUSTMENTS (DEC 1991) (Applicable if FAR 52.215-12 or 52.215-13 applies to this Contract.) 252.219-7003 SMALL, SMALL DISADVANTAGED AND WOMEN-OWNED SMALL BUSINESS SUBCONTRACTING PLAN (DoD CONTRACTS) (APR 1996) (Applicable if FAR 52.219-9 applies to this Contract. Delete paragraph (g).) 252.223-7001 HAZARD WARNING LABELS (DEC 1991) (Applicable if this Contract requires the delivery of hazardous materials.) 252.223-7002 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS FOR AMMUNITION AND EXPLOSIVES (MAY 1994) (Applicable only if the articles furnished under this Contract contain ammunition or explosives, including liquid and solid propellants. Notes 2, 3, and 5 apply to paragraphs g(1)(i) and e(1)(ii). Note 3 applies. Delete prime in g(1)(ii) and add and LOCKHEED MARTIN Procurement Representative. Delete in g(1)(ii) substituting its name for references to the Government.) 252.223-7003 CHANGE IN PLACE OF PERFORMANCE - AMMUNITION AND EXPLOSIVES (DEC 1991) (Applicable if DFARS 252.223-7002 applies to this Contract. Notes 2 and 4 apply.) 252.223-7007 SAFEGUARDING SENSITIVE CONVENTIONAL ARMS, AMMUNITION, AND EXPLOSIVES (SEP 1999) (Applicable if this Contract is for the development, production, manufacture, or purchase of arms, ammunition, and explosives or when arms, ammunition, and explosives will be provided to Contractor as Government Furnished Property.) 252.225-7001 BUY AMERICAN ACT AND BALANCE OF PAYMENTS PROGRAM (APR 2003) (Applicable if the Work contains other than domestic components. Applicable in lieu of FAR 52.225-1 and FAR 52.225-5.) 252.225-7016 RESTRICTION ON ACQUISITION OF BALL AND ROLLER BEARINGS (MAY 2004) (Applicable if Work supplied under this Contract contains ball or roller bearings. Note 2 applies.) 52.225-7021 TRADE AGREEMENTS (JUN 2004) (Applicable if the Work contains other than domestic components. Applicable in lieu of FAR 52.225-1 and FAR 52.225-5.) 252.225-7033 WAIVER OF UNITED KINGDOM LEVIES (APR 2003) (Applicable if this Contract is with a United Kingdom firm. Note 2 applies. Note 3 applies to (c)(3).) 252.225-7043 ANTI-TERRORISM/FORCE PROTECTION POLICY FOR DEFENSE CONTRACTORS OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES (JUN 1998) (Applies where Contractor will be performing or traveling outside the U.S. under this Contract. For paragraph (c), see applicable information cited in DFARS 225.7401.) 252-226-7001 Utilization Of Indian Organizations, And Indian-Owned Economic Enterprises AND HAWAIIAN SMALL BUSINESS CONCERNS (SEPT 2004) (This clause is applicable only when included in LOCKHEED MARTINs Prime Contract and if this Contract is more than $500,000. In f(1), Contractor shall mean LOCKHEED MARTIN. Note 2 applies to (c) the first time Contracting Officer appears.) 252.235-7003 FREQUENCY AUTHORIZATION (DEC 1991) (Applicable if this Contract requires developing, producing, constructing, testing, or operating a device requiring a frequency authorization. Note 2 applies.) 252.245-7001 REPORTS OF GOVERNMENT PROPERTY (MAY 1994) (Applicable if Government Property is provided or acquired under this Contract. Contractor shall submit its required reports to LOCKHEED MARTIN. In paragraph (a)(3), change October 31 to October 10.) G. CERTIFICATIONS AND REPRESENTATIONS (1) This clause contains certifications and representations that are material representations of fact upon which LOCKHEED MARTIN will rely in making awards to Contractor. By submitting its written offer, or providing oral offers/quotations at the request of LOCKHEED MARTIN, or accepting any Contract, Contractor certifies to the representations and certifications as set forth below in this clause. These certifications shall apply whenever these terms and conditions are incorporated by reference in any Contract, agreement, other contractual document, or any quotation, request for quotation (oral or written), request for proposal or solicitation (oral or written), issued by LOCKHEED MARTIN. Contractor shall immediately notify LOCKHEED MARTIN of any change of status with regard to these certifications and representations. (a) FAR 52.203-11 Certification and Disclosure Regarding Payments to Influence Certain Federal Transactions (Applicable to solicitations and contracts exceeding $100,000) (1) The definitions and prohibitions contained in the clause at FAR 52.203-12, Limitation on Payments to Influence Certain Federal Transactions are hereby incorporated by reference in paragraph (b) of this certification. (2) Contractor certifies that to the best of its knowledge and belief that on and after December 23, 1989-- (a) No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress on his or her behalf in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement; (b) If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds (including profit or fee received under a covered Federal transaction) have been paid, or will be paid, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress on his or her behalf in connection with a solicitation or order, the offeror shall complete and submit, with its offer, OMB standard form LLL, Disclosure of Lobbying Activities, in accordance with its instructions, and (c) Contractor will include the language of this certification in all subcontracts at any tier and require that all recipients of subcontract awards in excess of $100,000 shall certify and disclose accordingly. (3) Submission of this certification and disclosure is a prerequisite for making or entering into a contract as imposed by section 1352, title 31, United States Code. Any person who makes an expenditure prohibited under this provision or who fails to file or amend the disclosure form to be filed or amended by this provision, shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000, and not more than $100,000, for each such failure. (b) FAR 52.209-5 Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Proposed Debarment, and Other Responsibility Matters. (1) Contractor certifies that, to the best of its knowledge and belief, that Contractor and/or any of its Principals, (as defined in FAR 52.209-5,) are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, or declared ineligible for the award of contracts by any Federal agency. (2) Contractor shall provide immediate written notice to LOCKHEED MARTIN if, any time prior to award of any contract, it learns that its certification was erroneous when submitted or has become erroneous by reason of changed circumstances. (c) FAR 52.222-22 Previous Contracts and Compliance Reports. Opportunity clause (FAR 52.222-26) (i) Contractor has filed all required compliance reports and (ii) that representations indicating submission of required compliance reports, signed by proposed subcontractors, will be obtained before subcontract awards. (d) FAR 52.222-25 Affirmative Action Compliance. Contractor represents (1) that Contractor has developed and has on file at each establishment, affirmative action programs required by the rules and regulations of the Secretary of Labor (41 CFR 60-1 and 60-2), or (2) that in the event such a program does not presently exist, Contractor will develop and place in operation such a written Affirmative Action Compliance Program within 120 days from the award of this Contract. (e) FAR 52.223-13 Certification Of Toxic Chemical Release Reporting (Applicable to competitive solicitations/contracts which exceed $100,000) (1) Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this contract imposed by Executive Order 12969, August 8, 1995. (2) Contractor certifies that (a) As the owner or operator of facilities that will be used in the performance of this contract that are subject to the filing and reporting requirements described in section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986 (EPCRA) (42 U.S.C. 11023) and section 6607 of the Pollution Prevention Act of 1990 (PPA) (42 U.S.C. 13106), Contractor will file and continue to file for such facilities for the life of the contract the Toxic Chemical Release Inventory Form (Form R) as described in sections 313(a) and (g) of EPCRA and section 6607 of PPA; or (b) None of its owned or operated facilities to be used in the performance of this contract is subject to the Form R filing and reporting requirements because each such facility is exempt for at least one of the following reasons: (i) The facility does not manufacture, process or otherwise use any toxic chemicals listed in 40 C.F.R. 372.65 under section 313(c) of EPCRA, 42 U.S.C. 11023(c); (ii) The facility does not have 10 or more full-time employees as specified in section 313(b)(1)(A) of EPCRA, 42 U.S.C. 11023(b)(1)(A); (iii) The facility does not meet the reporting thresholds of toxic chemicals established under section 313(f) of EPCRA, 42 U.S.C. 11023(f) (including the alternate thresholds at 40 CFR 372.27, provided an appropriate certification form has been filed with EPA); (iv) The facility does not fall within Standard Industrial Classification Code (SIC) codes or their corresponding North American Industry Classification System (NAICS); or (A) Major group code 10 (except 1011, 1081, and 1094). (B) Major group code 12 (except 1241). (C) Major group codes 20 through 39. (D) Industry code 4911, 4931, or 4939 (limited to facilities that combust coal and/or oil for the purpose of generating power for distribution in commerce). (E) Industry code 4953 (limited to facilities regulated under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, Subtitle C (42 U.S.C. 6921, et seq.), 5169, 5171, or 7389 (limited to facilities primarily engaged in solvent recovery services on a contract or fee basis); or (v) The facility is not located in the United States or its outlying areas.      g h ~   op 2!!" ###$$$$'o'x'y'Y(ɼԲhswCJOJQJhchswCJOJQJ hsw5CJhchswCJhchsw5CJhc@56CJOJQJhc@5CJOJQJhc@CJOJQJhc@>*CJOJQJhc@hc@CJOJQJhk@CJOJQJ2!bd e  x$ *^`a$gdc@$ h*h^h`a$gdc@ $ *a$gdc@ $ ha$gdc@$ hh^h`a$gdc@$ hh@&^h`a$gdc@$ hh@&^h`a$gdk@ K~X~ ' ( n o 6 7  $h@&^h`a$gdc@$ *8dh^8`a$gdc@$ *^`a$gdc@$ *^`a$gdc@$ *8^8`a$gdc@$ *h^h`a$gdc@  fgQR,-$ h^a$gdc@$a$gdc@ $h^ha$gdc@ $ & Fa$gdc@$^`a$gdc@$ h8^8`a$gdc@j$ x"^`"a$gdsw$ h*`^``a$gdsw$ *`^``a$gdsw$ P h^h`a$gdc@$ P h^ha$gdc@$ P a$gdc@$ P h@&^h`a$gdc@  IJi$ px^`a$gd 4F$ px@^`a$gd 4F$ px^a$gd 4F$ x"^`"a$gdsw$ p`^p``a$gd.($ *"^`"a$gdsw$ p*p`^p``a$gd.( DE}f$ x*"^`"a$gdsw$ px^`a$gd 4F$ px@p`^p``a$gd.($ x"^`"a$gdsw$ 0^`0a$gd 4F$ "^`"a$gdsw$ px^`a$gd 4F+,~jU$ pp`^p``a$gd.($ "^`"a$gdsw$ p`^p``a$gd.($ x"^`"a$gdsw$ px`a$gd 4F$ px*@p`^p``a$gd.($ x*"^`"a$gdsw$ px*^`a$gd 4F mnfg| } 1!t_$ *"^`"a$gdsw$ *^`a$gdsw$ L*^`a$gdsw$ p`^p``a$gd.($ pp`^p``a$gd.( $ a$gdsw$ p*^`a$gd 4F$ "^`"a$gdsw 1!2!!!"""" # #zf$ h`^``a$gdsw$ *^`a$gdsw$  "^`"a$gdsw$ *"^`"a$gdsw$ *p`^p``a$gd.($ L*h^ha$gdsw$ & F L*a$gdsw$ *^a$gdsw #V#W###$$$$L%M%p$ pp`^p``a$gd 4F$ p^gdsw$ "^`"a$gdsw$ pp`^p``a$gd.($ p*@^`a$gd 4F$ *"^`"a$gdsw$ p*^`a$gd 4F M%%%&&&'o'p'X(Y(nZn$ p`^p``a$gd.($ "^`"a$gdsw$ >*^`a$gdsw$ *"^`"a$gdsw$ *p`^p``a$gd.($ p`^p``a$gd.($ "^`"a$gdsw$ 0^`0a$gd 4F Y([((())***..1122c4d4455555A6B6D6F6668#8$8e8f89999S;a;f<<>??#?$?kACCCnCpCHHẬhUchsw>*CJhChsw5CJhswCJOJQJhchsw5CJOJQJhchswCJOJQJ h 4F5CJhchsw5;CJ hsw5CJhchsw5CJhchswCJhchsw5CJ\6Y(((7)8))) **|*}*}h$ *"^`"a$gdsw$ p*p`^p``a$gd.($ *a$gdsw$ ^`a$gdsw$ ^a$gd 4F$ "^`"a$gdsw$ p`^p``a$gd.($ >h^ha$gdsw }***M,N,--o.p.J/K/6070 1 111$ "^`"a$gdsw$ h"^`"a$gdsw$ p`^p``a$gd.($ "^`"a$gdsw$ pp`^p``a$gd.(12233W4X44455E6F666s7t7889$p`^p``a$gd.($ p`^p``a$gd.($ "^`"a$gdsw$ p*p`^p``a$gd.(99;;<<==>>??kAlASB "^`"gdsw p`^p``gdsw$ p`^p``a$gdsw$p`^p``a$gdsw$ "^`"a$gdsw$ p`^p``a$gd.($ h"^`"a$gdswSBTBBBCZE[EFFGGHHHHH$ ^`a$gdsw$$gdsw $ ha$gdsw$ ^`a$gdsw$ p^pa$gd.($ p`^p``a$gd.($ "^`"a$gdswHHHHHHIIJOOKPPRSSTTTSUUUWWY;[<[=[>[\\\T]U]____``cbdbgbbbbҳҙˏyhchsw5>*CJhchsw>*CJhchsw5CJhUchsw5;CJhUchsw5CJOJQJhUchswCJOJQJ\hswhsw5CJ hsw5CJhUchsw5CJhUchsw>*CJOJQJhUchswCJOJQJhUchswCJ,HHHIIJJJJJJ2K3KKK$ p`^p``a$gd.( p`^p``gd.( p`^p``gd.($ ^`a$gdsw p`^p``gd.($ h^`a$gdswK@LALLLMMNNTNUNOOEOFOO$ p`^p``a$gdE$ p`^p``a$gd $ h^a$gdsw$ ^`a$gdsw$ h^`a$gdsw$ p`^p``a$gdswOOGPHPPPQQNSOSSSn$ L^`a$gdsw$ ^`a$gdsw$ p`^p``a$gdsw$ h^`a$gdsw$  ^` a$gdsw$ hp`^p``a$gdsw$ ^`a$gdsw S,T-TTTRUSUUUUUMVn$$$ p`^p``a$gdsw$$$^`a$gdsw$^`a$gdsw$ ^`a$gdsw$ ^`a$gdsw$ L^`a$gdsw$ Lp`^p``a$gdsw MVNVWWWWOYPYYY=[>[\\\\  8^8gdsw$ ^`a$gdsw$ p`^p``a$gdsw$ ^`a$gdsw p`^p``gdsw$ ^`a$gdsw\U]V]]]__``bacacbdbbbee$^`a$gdsw$^`a$gdsw$ ^`a$gdsw$ p`^p``a$gdsw$ ^`a$gdsw p`^p``gdswbee:fyfzfWgXggg j jHlIlmmnnNoaqqqqrrttmznz||J~K~L~N~O~Q~R~T~U~X~Y~hX{jhX{Uhsw hE5CJhchswCJOJQJhchsw5CJhchswCJ)eyfzfWgXggg j jHlIloo$ ^`a$gdsw$ ^`a$gdsw$ T^`a$gdswL`Lgdsw$ T`a$gdsw$^`a$gdsw$ 8^8`a$gdsw$ 8^8`a$gdsw IlmmnnMoNokplp]q^qqqrrr $8^8a$gdE$T^T`a$gdsw$^`a$gdsw$8^8`a$gdsw$ Tdha$gdsw^gdsw$ T^`a$gdsw$ ^`gdswrr}t~t uuuuuuxxxxyyzz{$$ ^$ `a$gdsw$^`a$gdsw$T^T`a$gdsw$^`a$gdsw $8^8a$gdE$8^8`a$gdsw{{{{||+|,|R|S|||}}J~K~M~N~P~Q~ gdsw N N ^N `gdswgdsw@ ^@ gdE @ ^@ gdE$$ ^$ `a$gdsw p^p`gdswQ~S~T~V~W~X~Y~gdsw5 0P:psw/ =!"#8$% @@@ swNormal5CJ_HmH sH tH b@b sw Heading 2)$$$ @&^`a$ CJOJQJDAD Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k(No List jC@j swBody Text Indent $ ^`a$5CJOJQJfR@f swBody Text Indent 2$^`a$5CJOJQJ`S@` swBody Text Indent 3^`5CJOJQJTP@"T sw Body Text 2$$ a$5CJOJQJYv!bde'(no67  fgQR, -     IJDE+,mnfg|}12  VWLMopX Y 7!8!!! 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