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Refer to the below matrix to determine the terms and conditions applicable to each Prime Contract. $ Appendix 5 Version 2, dated 4-10-03#Appendix 6 Version 2, dated 4-10-03 P.O.C338250 P.O. 2294 P.O. A7A/2000RAF C-130 GLX-1042ITALY C-130J GLX-1149FK0001C-130J RDAF AIRCRAFTRAAF GLX 1133 C-130FA8504-05-D-0004 FA8504-07-D-0003 Center Wing Box, Phase IICenter Wing Box, Phase III.FA8625-06-C-6456, P00008, P000015, and P000021+FYOC III  UCA for 10 Supplemental Aircraft HERCJC-00072 7C-130J Block 6.1 Upgrade Program / GLX-05-C130-0003/RAF NP16148 HIOSC-130 HIOS PROGRAM UDomestic Subcontract: Commercial Item - CorpDoc 2, 2a, and Prime Contract Supplement FA8504-05-D-0004 Non-Commercial FFP Item - CorpDoc 3, 3a, and Prime Contract Supplement FA8504-05-D-0004 Non-Commercial Cost Reimbursable Item - CorpDoc 4, 4a, Prime Contract Supplement FA8504-05-D-0004 International Subcontract: Commercial Item - CorpDoc 2-Int, 2a, and Prime Contract Supplement FA8504-05-D-0004 Non-Commercial FFP Item - CorpDoc 3-Int, 3a, and Prime Contract Supplement FA8504-05-D-0004 Non-Commercial Cost Reimbursable Item - CorpDoc 4-Int, 4a, and Prime Contract Supplement FA8504-05-D-0004 %f } !< K      UDomestic Subcontract: Commercial Item - CorpDoc 2, 2a, and Prime Contract Supplement FA8504-07-D-0003 Non-Commercial FFP Item - CorpDoc 3, 3a, and Prime Contract Supplement FA8504-07-D-0003 Non-Commercial Cost Reimbursable Item - CorpDoc 4, 4a, Prime Contract Supplement FA8504-07-D-0003 International Subcontract: Commercial Item - CorpDoc 2-Int, 2a, and Prime Contract Supplement FA8504-07-D-0003 Non-Commercial FFP Item - CorpDoc 3-Int, 3a, and Prime Contract Supplement FA8504-07-D-0003 Non-Commercial Cost Reimbursable Item - CorpDoc 4-Int, 4a, and Prime Contract Supplement FA8504-07-D-0003 %f } !< K      W8475-07SA30C130 CANADA TAT PROGRAM198/CL2*C130J Italian Industrial Support AgreementDomestic Subcontract: CorpDoc1 and Supplement to HERCJC-00072 International Subcontract: CorpDoc1-Int and Supplement to HERCJC-00072 f Domestic Subcontract: CorpDoc1 (Latest Revision) and Supplement to W8475-07SA30 International Subcontract: CorpDoc1-Int (Latest Revision) and Supplement to W8475-07SA30v&FA8625-04-D-6452 (Begins with) JMATS  CBlock Upgrade (BUIC) C130J Maintenance and Aircrew Training System/FA8504-06-D-0001 FA8625-06-C-6456 RISK DR 528$MTS/LTS FYOC III C-130J FEA DR 790Domestic Subcontract: Appendix 4 Version 7 dated 2-9-04 International Subcontract: Appendix 4 Version 7 dated 2-9-04 and Addendum to Appendix 4 dated 5-10-039SDomestic Subcontract: Appendix 4A Version 4 dated 1-23-07 International Subcontract: Appendix 4A Version 4 dated 1-23-07 and Addendum to Appendix 4 dated 5-10-03;UDomestic Subcontract: Appendix 4B Version 2 dated 1-23-07 International Subcontract: Appendix 4B Version 2 dated 1-23-07 Addendum to Appendix 4 dated 5-10-03;UDomestic Subcontract: Appendix 4C Version 1 dated 1-23-07 International Subcontract: Appendix 4C Version 1 dated 1-23-07 Addendum to Appendix 4 dated 5-10-03 ;V MDomestic Subcontract: Commercial Item - CorpDoc 2 and 2a Non-Commercial FFP Item - CorpDoc 3 and 3a Non-Commercial Cost Reimbursable Item - CorpDoc 4 and 4a International Subcontract: Commercial Item - CorpDoc 2-Int and 2a Non-Commercial FFP Item - CorpDoc 3-Int and 3a Non-Commercial Cost Reimbursable Item - CorpDoc 4-Int and 4a %: Qf   6 i Domestic Subcontract: Commercial Item - Appendix 4 Version 7 dated 2-9-04, and Supplement 0001A Non-Commercial Item - Corpdoc 3 and 3a, and Supplement 0001A International Subcontract: Commercial Item - Appendix 4 Version 7 dated 2-9-04, Supplement 0001A, and Addendum to Appendix 4 dated 5-10-03 Non-Commercial Item - CorpDoc 3-Int and 3a, and Supplement 0001A %` s t ) < =1CorpDoc 1 (Latest Revision) and Supplement 03-001FF33657-95-C-2055 F33657-00-C-0018 F33657-00-C-0044 F33657-03-C-2014TFYOC I FYOC II Maint. & Aircrew Training (MATS) Multi-Year (prior to Restructure)Appendix C130 - Version 6 DEEMA-01/02QatarDomestic Subcontract: CorpDoc1 (Latest Revision) International Subcontract: CorpDoc1-Int (Latest Revision)hDomestic Subcontract: CorpDoc1 (Latest Revision) International Subcontract: CorpDoc1-Int (Latest Revision)gDomestic Subcontract: CorpDoc1 (Latest Revision) International Subcontract: CorpDoc1-Int (Latest Revision)g:   w * ccj -  O<yB  dMbP?_*+%)&&LAppendix C130, Ver. 6&RFebruary 2009&?'?(Gz?)ףp= ?M\\marps2\NP9494] oFXXLetterPRIV0''''D\KhC6SMTJXerox Phaser 4510N PSLeadingEdgePageSizeLetterPageRegionDuplexNoneResolution600x600dpiD1NRX 7 MSCF,90R//Uncompressed-Data//`/XCKY[lUe[ HiaKR)vL[&xIV"H_ h(Xn 1`AxAJL$D1Dvv63ommk[Wωhm[S)DӚ{ 3, ~zEQdشW5v ȸI}l]|C ڮ)523Va"mL^8OnS`-Yb-{#Iͫ5ӣFz)=:jږ$mijvZl?k{E2-ƈX5uDŽ>|/,~JW6R4xYВ-*e?-HLJ:䖇 w__{Jʼ[usOVϥ:< 1m_7{` X ۧ(7*oe7yZ@?(qp>:я<֏}UZaAl؀>l56Јz 9l+n /FNX=VʅHz.4xDF⳦8D,b@lB!p71r&6#V5Z3XCڻXfԒ_g #h^4@V YgF~5ns}zh>mM6 F?5[ Jҏq;~0m+I. m*~&`}.ͥYN|rik}V .y1P ..yjet @ =i36e=pP}ʸni5/Y})^c`2xi^+_3yynY-m4{5|2WsHځC<7Ob@kKjϙ8hM]{uڬsĐ^]Dn e˪qDqK}1dR^mc-k2,yꤽ^z\133G#%VL^5jOe&ʔ ^qO}RXgP9<#r2/ _NFTW^ȉ3Jjs Y;y3^Ez5^u\"UT#WZ*Va^-΄z! 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