
Lockheed Martin Strengthens Collaboration with Polish Defense Industry for PAC-3 MSE Production

Lockheed Martin Strengthens Collaboration with Polish Defense Industry for PAC-3 MSE Production

September 03, 2024

In the world’s complex security environment, trusted partnerships are more important than ever before. Our vast constellation of allies is a differentiator against near-peer competition. By leveraging the strength of our allies’ defense industries, we can expand supply chain capacity and resiliency to effectively deliver key systems. ?

In Poland, Lockheed Martin partnered with local industry to develop and manufacture components of the Patriot Advanced Capability – 3 (PAC-3) Missile Segment Enhancement (MSE) – the world’s most advanced air defense missile. In 2023, Lockheed Martin and the Polish Ministry of Defence finalized an agreement for offset commitments supporting the PAC-3 WISLA Phase II programme. The agreement created eight new projects that will sustain high-value manufacturing and engineering jobs in Poland and provide new areas of technology, training, and technical assistance to the Polish defense industrial base.

This week, Lockheed Martin signed official agreements with five Polish companies to support the eight new projects. These projects will build on Lockheed Martin’s existing relationships within the Polish defence industry under the initial WISLA programme and provide capabilities to strengthen Poland’s regional security. The success of the PAC-3 WISLA offsets program continues to lay the groundwork for additional partnerships in Poland.


PAC-3 MSE Signing

Maria Bocheńska - Member of the Management Board - Controlling Director WZL-1,? Katarzyna Lipińska - Member of the Management Board for Technical and Development of MESKO S.A., Arkadiusz B?k - member of the management board of PGZ, Brian Kubik – Vice President of PAC-3 Programs at Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control, Dariusz Sokólski - President of the Management Board of WZL-2

“美诱直播’re excited to continue our partnership with the Polish defence industry to rapidly produce and deliver critical PAC-3 MSE components to our worldwide customers,” says Brian Kubik, Vice President of PAC-3 Programs, Lockheed Martin. “By leveraging our Polish partnerships, we’re able to expand our supply chain and accelerate delivery of PAC-3 MSE to meet the increasing global demand.”


Brian Kubik


The eight new projects include growing hardware-in-the-loop capability, which expands missile system test abilities with PGZ (Warsaw) and PCO (Warsaw), expanding the capacity for launch tube production at WZL-1 (Deblin) and aircraft maintenance at WZL-2 (Bydgoszcz). Another project will provide training, equipment and software to support solid rocket motor production by Mesko (Skarzysko-Kamienna).