Media Contacts
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Click the topics below or scroll to find a media contact:
Aircraft (Military & Commercial)
Autonomy, Unmanned Systems & Robotics
Samantha Kupersmith
+1 609-314-6042
Melissa Chadwick
+1 202-740-5997
(Skyborg, LongShot, Next Gen UAS, Stalker XE/VXE)
Claire Whitfield
+1 661-406-2717
Candis Roussel
+1 661-264-8592
Missiles, Sensors, Guided 美诱直播apons, Missile Defense & Advanced Programs
(ARGUS, Degraded Visual Environments,
Exoskeletons - FORTIS,?Open Architecture
Processor, StratusRising)
Christina Valecillos
+1 972-603-7854
Alexandra Hansen
+1 407-721-9709
Matt Newsome
Missile Defense Targets, Kill Vehicles?& Advanced Systems
(Targets & Countermeasures; THAAD Extended Range)
Monica Keen
+1 817-713-1798
Matt Newsome
Matt Newsome
(DMLGB, Paragon, ELGTR,?
Paveway II Plus LGB, PMTS, Scalpel)
Brian Chapman
+1 407-284-7759
(F-35 EOTS, Gyrocam, Modernized Turret, INFIRNO, IRST21, Legion Pod, LONGBOW FCR, M-DSA, M-TADS/PNVS, Q-39, Sniper ATP/ATP-SE, TSS, MAPS, PDAS, FVL sensors)
Christina Valecillos
+1 972-603-7854
(Q-53, LRDR, HDR-H, APY-9, TPY-4, TPS-77 MRR, TPS-77, FPS 117, TPS-59)
Brittany Malone
+1 682-760-7189
(Tranche 2 Tracking Layer, Missile Track Custody, Next Gen OPIR, SBIRS)
Chip Eschenfelder
+1 720-842-6452
(Trident Fleet Ballistic Missile, ICBM, Prompt Global Strike)
Matt Newsome
Joint All-Domain Operations/Multi-Domain Operations, Cyber & C4ISR
National Security Space
(Missile Warning, Tranche 2 Tracking Layer, Missile Track Custody, Next Gen OPIR, SBIRS)
Chip Eschenfelder?
+1 720-842-6452
Lauren Duda?
Commercial Civil Space
Human & Scientific Exploration: Orion, Lunar Architecture, Nuclear Space Systems
Gary Napier
+1 720-842-6102
Planetary Exploration, 美诱直播ather & Earth Science: GeoXO, Lunar Trailblazer, Mars
Kaitlyn Gartling
Matt Newsome
International Space Inquiries
United Kingdom
Jackie Lucas
+44 (0) 7385005135
Rest of World
Monica Witt
+1 720-227-8160
General Inquiries & Executive Interviews
Dana Casey
+ 202-320-9066
Candace Flynn
+1 303-512-3170