
Material & Process Specifications - All Programs 

Material & Process Specifications - All Programs

Materials and processes specifications for all programs, including Fort Worth, Marietta, and Palmdale specifications, may be accessed via the EDCS (Enterprise Data/ Collaborative System) Aeronautics/Main instance. For EDCS Main access, external suppliers should send their contact information (as shown below) to their LM Supply Chain Management (SCM) representative, who will verify the requestor's need to know, and that the appropriate LM Proprietary Information Agreement(s) (PIA) are in place with the requestor's company.

  • First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name?? (Please include any suffix):
  • External Email Address:
  • Phone Number:
  • Supplier’s Company Name:
  • Supplier’s Company Address:
  • Supplier’s Company Exostar Organization ID:
  • Supplier’s Company DUNS Number (if available):
  • Name of Application(s) External Supplier requires access to:
  • Cage code for Application(s) External Supplier requires access to:
  • Name of OARS Resource(s) External Supplier requires access to:

For F-22 RDL access, requestors must complete a?CSAR form?rather than submitting the information above. Upon approval of the requestor’s access, the LM SCM representative will send the requestor’s information to the following:

All other programs:?OARS Team

Each individual requestor must have an Exostar account in order to access EDCS Main. If the requestor does not have an account, the LM SCM representative’s request will initiate the Exostar account process. Once the Exostar account is activated, the requestor will be prompted to request M&P access via the electronic Data Access Request form.? Each user at a company must complete an access request, since access is granted on an individual (not company) basis, and account login information may not be shared between users.

NOTE: DOD Classified Specifications are not available through EDCS. Hard copies are available through the specific program offices.? Please contact your buyer.

Questions, comments or requests for general information regarding access to EDCS should be directed to the?EDCS Admin Team.
