List of Terms Commonly Used in Relation to General Environmental Remediation Efforts
AAL | Applied Action Level |
AO | Administrative Order |
ASTM | American Society for Testing & Materials |
ATSDR | Agency for Toxic Substances &Disease Registry |
AOC | Area of Concern |
AOC | Administrative Order on Consent |
CAO | Cleanup and Abatement Order |
CAP | Corrective Action Plan |
CERCLA | Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (U.S. Superfund) |
COC | Chemicals/Contaminants of Concern |
DTSC | Department of Toxic Substances Control |
DISC OPS | Discontinued Operations |
EESH | Energy, Environment, Safety & Health |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency |
ESH?? | Environment, Safety & Health |
FONSI | Finding of No Significant Impact |
FS? | Feasibility Study |
GAC | Granular Acitvated Carbon |
GW | Ground Water |
HHRH | Human Health Risk Assessment |
IRAP | Interim Remedial Action Plan |
IRM | Interim Remedial Method |
MOA | Memorandum of Agreement |
MW | Monitoring 美诱直播ll |
NFA | No Further Action |
NOD | Notice of Determination |
NRD?? | Natural Resource Damages |
O&M | Operations & Maintenance |
OM&M? | Operations, Monitoring & Maintenance |
OU | Operating Unit |
PAH | Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons |
PCE | Perchloroethylene |
PHA | Public Health Assessment |
PCBs | Polychlorinated Biphenyls |
PTF | Post Treatment Filtration |
RA | Remedial Action |
RAP | Remedial Action Plan |
RCRA? | Resource Conservation and Recovery Act |
PPB | Parts Per Billion |
RI | Remedial Investigation |
RP | Responsible Party |
ROD? |
Record of Decision |
ROM | Rough Order of Magnitude |
SMP? | Strategic Management Plan |
SOW | Statement of Work |
SW | Surface Water |
T&FR | Technical and Functional Requirements |
TIC | Tentatively Identified Compounds |
VI | Vapor Instrusion |
VOC | Volatile Organic Compound |