The F-35: Security for Greece
The F-35 Lightning II is rapidly becoming the NATO standard fighter of choice, offering unparalleled interoperability with NATO and other allied assets. This capability stands as a significant advantage for the U.S. and its allies, ensuring strategic superiority for decades.听
The F-35 plays a crucial role in deterring threats and disrupting adversaries' plans and actions. The mere presence of the F-35 and the joint force, ensuring regional stability and safeguarding the sovereignty of allied airspace. As the battlespace evolves, connectivity becomes increasingly vital. The F-35 is poised to play a critical role in the joint force, contributing significantly to the 21st Century Security庐 battlespace.鈥
The Choice of the World鈥檚 Greatest Air Forces鈥
The world鈥檚 greatest air forces use the F-35 to meet national security needs. Many of Greece鈥檚 traditional partners, such as the United Kingdom, Italy, Israel, the Netherlands, Norway, Denmark and the United States, are operating F-35s in the European theatre today. Belgium, Finland, Switzerland, Poland, Germany, Czech Republic and Greece have selected the F-35 and will soon operate in Europe.
The global footprint of the F-35 continues to expand because the aircraft integrates allied nations worldwide and enables mission capability.听
The Best Value Solution鈥
The 5th Generation jet delivers unmatched value as the most capable, lowest life-cycle cost aircraft with the strongest industrial participation opportunity. Greece will benefit from significant investments in the F-35 by current users and savings from the economies of scale based on the growing number of nations operating the F-35 in Europe and around the world.鈥
The unique of the F-35 will keep Greece secure for years to come. Stealth allows Greek pilots to covertly patrol, monitor and conduct surveillance without being tracked. It is a critical element of survivability and ensures Greek pilots safely protect Greece鈥檚 air space. Joint operations of the F-35 with 4th鈥痝eneration fighters, including the F-16鈥檚, will be a force multiplier for the Hellenic Air Force.

Program Milestones

韦慰 F-35:听螒蟽蠁维位蔚喂伪 纬喂伪 蟿畏谓 螘位位维未伪
韦慰 F-35 Lightning II 蔚尉蔚位委蟽蟽蔚蟿伪喂 蟿伪蠂蠉蟿伪蟿伪 蟽蟿慰 渭伪蠂畏蟿喂魏蠈 伪蔚蟻慰蟽魏维蠁慰蟼 蔚蟺喂位慰纬萎蟼 蟿慰蠀 螡螒韦螣, 蟺蟻慰蟽蠁苇蟻慰谓蟿伪蟼 伪蟺伪蟻维渭喂位位畏 未喂伪位蔚喂蟿慰蠀蟻纬喂魏蠈蟿畏蟿伪 渭蔚 蟿慰 螡螒韦螣 魏伪喂 维位位伪 蟽蠀渭渭伪蠂喂魏维 渭苇蟽伪. 螒蠀蟿萎 畏 喂魏伪谓蠈蟿畏蟿伪 伪蟺慰蟿蔚位蔚委 蟽畏渭伪谓蟿喂魏蠈 蟺位蔚慰谓苇魏蟿畏渭伪 纬喂伪 蟿喂蟼 螚螤螒 魏伪喂 蟿慰蠀蟼 蟽蠀渭渭维蠂慰蠀蟼 蟿慰蠀蟼, 蔚尉伪蟽蠁伪位委味慰谓蟿伪蟼 蟽蟿蟻伪蟿畏纬喂魏萎 蠀蟺蔚蟻慰蠂萎 纬喂伪 未蔚魏伪蔚蟿委蔚蟼.
韦慰 F-35 未喂伪未蟻伪渭伪蟿委味蔚喂 魏蟻委蟽喂渭慰 蟻蠈位慰 蟽蟿畏谓 伪蟺慰蟿蟻慰蟺萎 伪蟺蔚喂位蠋谓 魏伪喂 蟽蟿畏 蟺伪蟻蔚渭蟺蠈未喂蟽畏 蟿蠅谓 蟽蠂蔚未委蠅谓 魏伪喂 蟿蠅谓 蔚谓蔚蟻纬蔚喂蠋谓 蟿蠅谓 伪谓蟿喂蟺维位蠅谓. 螚 伪蟺位萎 蟺伪蟻慰蠀蟽委伪 蟿慰蠀 F-35 蔚谓喂蟽蠂蠉蔚喂 蟿畏谓 螘位位维未伪 魏伪喂 蟿喂蟼 蟽蠀渭渭伪蠂喂魏苇蟼 未蠀谓维渭蔚喂蟼 未喂伪蟽蠁伪位委味慰谓蟿伪蟼 蟿畏谓 蟺蔚蟻喂蠁蔚蟻蔚喂伪魏萎 蟽蟿伪胃蔚蟻蠈蟿畏蟿伪 魏伪喂 蟿畏谓 蟺蟻慰蟽蟿伪蟽委伪 蟿畏蟼 魏蠀蟻喂伪蟻蠂委伪蟼 蟿慰蠀 蟽蠀渭渭伪蠂喂魏慰蠉 蔚谓伪苇蟻喂慰蠀 蠂蠋蟻慰蠀. 螝伪胃蠋蟼 慰 蠂蠋蟻慰蟼 渭维蠂畏蟼 蔚尉蔚位委蟽蟽蔚蟿伪喂, 畏 蟽蠀谓未蔚蟽喂渭蠈蟿畏蟿伪 魏伪胃委蟽蟿伪蟿伪喂 蠈位慰 魏伪喂 蟺喂慰 味蠅蟿喂魏萎蟼 蟽畏渭伪蟽委伪蟼. 韦慰 F-35 蔚委谓伪喂 苇蟿慰喂渭慰 谓伪 未喂伪未蟻伪渭伪蟿委蟽蔚喂 魏蟻委蟽喂渭慰 蟻蠈位慰 蟽蟿畏谓 蟽蠀渭渭伪蠂喂魏苇蟼 未蠀谓维渭蔚喂蟼, 蟽蠀渭尾维位位慰谓蟿伪蟼 蟽畏渭伪谓蟿喂魏维 蟽蟿慰 蟺蔚未委慰 渭维蠂畏蟼 21st Century Security庐.
螚 蔚蟺喂位慰纬萎 蟿蠅谓 魏伪位蠉蟿蔚蟻蠅谓 伪蔚蟻慰蟺慰蟻喂魏蠋谓 未蠀谓维渭蔚蠅谓 蟿慰蠀 魏蠈蟽渭慰蠀
螣喂 渭蔚纬伪位蠉蟿蔚蟻蔚蟼 伪蔚蟻慰蟺慰蟻喂魏苇蟼 未蠀谓维渭蔚喂蟼 蟿慰蠀 魏蠈蟽渭慰蠀 蠂蟻畏蟽喂渭慰蟺慰喂慰蠉谓 蟿慰 F-35 纬喂伪 蟿畏谓 魏维位蠀蠄畏 蟿蠅谓 伪谓伪纬魏蠋谓 蔚胃谓喂魏萎蟼 伪蟽蠁维位蔚喂伪蟼. 螤慰位位慰委 伪蟺蠈 蟿慰蠀蟼 蟺伪蟻伪未慰蟽喂伪魏慰蠉蟼 蔚蟿伪委蟻慰蠀蟼 蟿畏蟼 螘位位维未伪蟼, 蠈蟺蠅蟼 蟿慰 螚谓蠅渭苇谓慰 螔伪蟽委位蔚喂慰, 畏 螜蟿伪位委伪, 蟿慰 螜蟽蟻伪萎位, 畏 螣位位伪谓未委伪, 畏 螡慰蟻尾畏纬委伪, 畏 螖伪谓委伪 魏伪喂 慰喂 螚谓蠅渭苇谓蔚蟼 螤慰位喂蟿蔚委蔚蟼, 蔚蟺喂蠂蔚喂蟻慰蠉谓 蟽萎渭蔚蟻伪 F-35 蟽蟿慰谓 蔚蠀蟻蠅蟺伪蠆魏蠈 蠂蠋蟻慰. 韦慰 螔苇位纬喂慰, 畏 桅喂谓位伪谓未委伪, 畏 螘位尾蔚蟿委伪, 畏 螤慰位蠅谓委伪, 畏 螕蔚蟻渭伪谓委伪, 畏 韦蟽蔚蠂委伪 魏伪喂 蟿蠋蟻伪 魏伪喂 畏 螘位位维未伪 苇蠂慰蠀谓 蔚蟺喂位苇尉蔚喂 蟿慰 F-35 魏伪喂 蟽蠉谓蟿慰渭伪 胃伪 蔚蟺喂蠂蔚喂蟻慰蠉谓 蟽蟿畏谓 螘蠀蟻蠋蟺畏.
韦慰 蟺伪纬魏蠈蟽渭喂慰 伪蟺慰蟿蠉蟺蠅渭伪 蟿慰蠀 F-35 蟽蠀谓蔚蠂委味蔚喂 谓伪 蔚蟺蔚魏蟿蔚委谓蔚蟿伪喂, 蔚蟺蔚喂未萎 蟿慰 伪蔚蟻慰蟽魏维蠁慰蟼 蔚谓蟽蠅渭伪蟿蠋谓蔚喂 蟿伪 蟽蠀渭渭伪蠂喂魏维 苇胃谓畏 蟺伪纬魏慰蟽渭委蠅蟼 魏伪喂 蔚蟺喂蟿蟻苇蟺蔚喂 蟿畏谓 蔚蟺喂蠂蔚喂蟻畏蟽喂伪魏萎 喂魏伪谓蠈蟿畏蟿伪.
螞蠉蟽畏 尾苇位蟿喂蟽蟿畏蟼 伪尉委伪蟼
韦慰 伪蔚蟻慰蟽魏维蠁慰蟼 5畏蟼 纬蔚谓喂维蟼 蟺蟻慰蟽蠁苇蟻蔚喂 伪蟺伪蟻维渭喂位位畏 伪尉委伪 蠅蟼 蟿慰 蟺喂慰 喂魏伪谓蠈 伪蔚蟻慰蟽魏维蠁慰蟼 渭蔚 蟿慰 蠂伪渭畏位蠈蟿蔚蟻慰 魏蠈蟽蟿慰蟼 魏蠉魏位慰蠀 味蠅萎蟼 魏伪喂 蟿畏谓 喂蟽蠂蠀蟻蠈蟿蔚蟻畏 蔚蠀魏伪喂蟻委伪 纬喂伪 尾喂慰渭畏蠂伪谓喂魏萎 蟽蠀谓蔚蟻纬伪蟽委伪. 螚 螘位位维未伪 胃伪 蔚蟺蠅蠁蔚位畏胃蔚委 伪蟺蠈 蟿喂蟼 蟽畏渭伪谓蟿喂魏苇蟼 蔚蟺蔚谓未蠉蟽蔚喂蟼 蟽蟿慰 F-35 伪蟺蠈 蟿慰蠀蟼 蟽畏渭蔚蟻喂谓慰蠉蟼 蠂蟻萎蟽蟿蔚蟼 魏伪喂 蟿畏谓 蔚尉慰喂魏慰谓蠈渭畏蟽畏 蟺蠈蟻蠅谓 伪蟺蠈 蟿喂蟼 慰喂魏慰谓慰渭委蔚蟼 魏位委渭伪魏伪蟼 蟺慰蠀 尾伪蟽委味慰谓蟿伪喂 蟽蟿慰谓 伪蠀尉伪谓蠈渭蔚谓慰 伪蟻喂胃渭蠈 蔚胃谓蠋谓 蟺慰蠀 蔚蟺喂蠂蔚喂蟻慰蠉谓 蟿慰 F-35 蟽蟿畏谓 螘蠀蟻蠋蟺畏 魏伪喂 蟽蔚 蠈位慰 蟿慰谓 魏蠈蟽渭慰.
螣喂 渭慰谓伪未喂魏苇蟼 蟿慰蠀 F-35 胃伪 未喂伪蟿畏蟻萎蟽慰蠀谓 蟿畏谓 螘位位维未伪 伪蟽蠁伪位萎 纬喂伪 蟿伪 蔚蟺蠈渭蔚谓伪 蠂蟻蠈谓喂伪. 螚 蟿蔚蠂谓慰位慰纬委伪 stealth 蔚蟺喂蟿蟻苇蟺蔚喂 蟽蟿慰蠀蟼 螆位位畏谓蔚蟼 蟺喂位蠈蟿慰蠀蟼 谓伪 蟺蔚蟻喂蟺慰位慰蠉谓 鈥樜毕屜佄毕勎扁, 谓伪 蟺伪蟻伪魏慰位慰蠀胃慰蠉谓 魏伪喂 谓伪 未喂蔚尉维纬慰蠀谓 蔚蟺喂蟿萎蟻畏蟽畏 蠂蠅蟻委蟼 谓伪 蔚谓蟿慰蟺委味慰谓蟿伪喂. 螒蟺慰蟿蔚位蔚委 魏蟻委蟽喂渭慰 蟽蟿慰喂蠂蔚委慰 尾喂蠅蟽喂渭蠈蟿畏蟿伪蟼 魏伪喂 未喂伪蟽蠁伪位委味蔚喂 蠈蟿喂 慰喂 螆位位畏谓蔚蟼 蟺喂位蠈蟿慰喂 蟺蟻慰蟽蟿伪蟿蔚蠉慰蠀谓 渭蔚 伪蟽蠁维位蔚喂伪 蟿慰谓 蔚谓伪苇蟻喂慰 蠂蠋蟻慰 蟿畏蟼 螘位位维未伪蟼. 螣喂 魏慰喂谓苇蟼 蔚蟺喂蠂蔚喂蟻萎蟽蔚喂蟼 蟿慰蠀 F-35 渭蔚 渭伪蠂畏蟿喂魏维 4畏蟼 纬蔚谓喂维蟼, 蟽蠀渭蟺蔚蟻喂位伪渭尾伪谓慰渭苇谓蠅谓 蟿蠅谓 F-16, 胃伪 伪蟺慰蟿蔚位苇蟽慰蠀谓 蟺慰位位伪蟺位伪蟽喂伪蟽蟿萎 喂蟽蠂蠉慰蟼 纬喂伪 蟿畏谓 螘位位畏谓喂魏萎 螤慰位蔚渭喂魏萎 螒蔚蟻慰蟺慰蟻委伪.