
C-130 Capabilities

The Super Hercules is the worldwide choice in tactical airlift, serving 28 operators in 23 nations.

Defining C-130J advantages that separate the Super Hercules from other medium jet-powered airlifters include:

Truly Tactical

  • The tactical airlift mission isn’t about speed; rather, it requires low altitudes and slow speeds, requiring the ability to go anywhere to support a multitude of missions.
  • The C-130J Super Hercules is the only tactical-by-design medium-sized airlifter that meets all of the complex and challenging requirements of the tactical airlift mission.


Global Interoperability

With 28 operators in 23 nations, C-130J operators are part of a network of partners and allies that facilitates true force amplification, additional training opportunities, knowledge transfer and continued platform innovation.


Unmatched Capabilities

Defining advantages separating C-130J-30s from other medium jet cargo transports include:

  • The best short-field takeoff and landing performance
  • Air worthiness certification from 20+ operators
  • Lower fuel consumption
  • Reduced carbon footprint
  • Increased range
  • The most pallet and passenger capacity
  • Superior survivability


Delivering Value

A stabilized production line, worldwide support system, global supply chain, established Joint Users Group, known insights, industrial collaborations, active training resources and commonalty between previous-generation fleets equals low-risk to service, lower fleet stand-up/operational costs and higher value versus other medium jet airlifters.



Continued Innovation

The C-130J is always evolving, always innovating, ready for what’s next — as exemplified by its:

  • Unsurpassed multi-mission versatility
  • Connectivity across platforms, mission environments
  • A mature Block Upgrade program
  • Digital integration spanning Super Hercules engineering, production and sustainment
  • 21st Century Security capabilities
  • Incremental powerplant improvements
  • Ongoing aircraft modifications and new production variants to meet evolving airspace and mission needs


Proven Performance

  • The global fleet of 555+ C-130Js has surpassed 3 million flight hours, providing real and established insights gained from missions flown in every environment, in every scenario.
  • These hours provide the Super Hercules operating community validated data that yields reduced life cycle costs and higher aircraft availability.
Contacts   ___

Stephanie Stinn
Office: (770) 494-0489
Mobile: (678) 761-6687

Rob Toth
Director of Air Mobility & Maritime Missions Domestic Campaigns?
Office: (817) 777-3919
Mobile: (682) 760-7288

Nick Smythe?
Director of Air Mobility & Maritime Missions International Campaigns?
Office: +1 (817) 935-3356
Mobile: +1 (678) 294-4839


Flight Hour Awards   ___

Lockheed Martin Aeronautics presents milestone pins and certificates for C-130 pilots and crew members who log 1,000; 2,000; 5,000; and 10,000 hours on a C-130 (legacy, C-130Js and L-100s).

To request pins/certificates, please email:?fieldassignment.support@lmco.com

Questions? Call +1 (770) 494-9189